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Cloud Assessment and Migrations

Introduction Your cloud environment needs regular assessments to mitigate risks, and to ensure that the most secure and efficient ways of business prosper. A cloud assessment involves the estimation of the costs, risks, and outcomes involved in transferring your existing ecosystem to a cloud. Data migration is often a massive task involving large datasets or entire organizations. To ensure the confidentiality of your data as well as to make sure the transfer is seamless, a solid cloud migration strategy is imperative.

Why Choose Us? With Loyal Bytes, your data is always safe. We pride ourselves in prioritising trust and excellence in the very foundation of our professional relationships. Which is why, when we run a cloud migration assessment for your business, we ensure that our solutions are at par you’re your needs. Our threat assessment services help us identify potential risks, which are promptly eliminated. For the customized and trustworthy migration your information deserves, and the professional approach your business needs – choose us.


Adoption and Change Management

Introduction In the dynamic world of tech, change and innovations are the only two constants. This makes it extremely critical for organizations to plan how the new changes will be adjusted into pre-existing environments. It is about more than just being ready to embrace change – it’s about harnessing the most out of that change.

Why Choose Us? If you’re looking to shake up the status quo, you should go with the seasoned harbingers of change at Loyal Bytes. We believe that data backed with impeccable research builds the foundation of envisioning any change. And that is just what we do here. We collaborate with you every step of the way to ensure that when technological change does come around, it comes with its due impact.


Enterprise Migrations to Microsoft Cloud

Introduction Cloud migration involves the transfer of your on-premise organizational data to a virtual pool of data that is universally accessible. Migrating your enterprise to Microsoft Cloud increases the scalability of the business, along with future-proofing your assets. In the digital age, your business deserves to be digital, too.

Why Choose Us? At Loyal Bytes, we like to stay ahead of the game. We identify threats and solve them before our clients can. Based on the 5 R’s of cloud migration – rehost, refactor, revise, rebuild, and replace – we ensure that your on-premise architecture remains intact as it makes the digital journey. Cloud migration is not an objective process, and our attention to detail, threat assessment and management capabilities, and future-ready approach gives your business the tailored technological boost it needs.
