
Governance and Compliance - Azure

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Security Advisory Consulting

Introduction Whether your data is on-premise, on cloud, or in a hybrid environment – it must be confidential, secure, and accessible by authorized users at all times. In allegiance with the compliance regulations of your organization, we develop and design security strategies that best meet your

Why Choose Us? We respect the sovereignty of your data. This is why we strive to treat and store it accordingly. Through end-to-end infrastructure designing, using Microsoft Azure to meet compatibility and scalability concerns, 24×7 monitoring, and much more – we do our best when it comes to keeping your data safe, always.

Security Assessment, Design, and Implementation

Introduction Going digital comes with its own security threats. But just as there is no dearth of threats, we have no end to our solutions. Your IT environment needs unique, innovative solutions for its efficient functioning on a daily basis, and that is what we achieve each time.

Why Choose Us? Our assessment runs deep into your data, analytics, and capabilities. This is because there is no one solution that will meet the needs of all our clients. Based on the needs of your organization, we develop an infallible security strategy that works in tandem with end-to-end security infrastructure, and additional security measures. Your business is always safe with us.


Information Protection for Data Privacy Regulation

Introduction Owing to the growing security threats in the digital world, most countries (and regions on a more local level) have laws and regulations for the protection of information, and the privacy of individuals. The need to protect information is critical for your business, and we help you do it.

Why Choose Us? All our solutions for you are designed in cognizance of the regulations existing in your area(s) of operation. By putting the Microsoft 365 Compliance Manager to use, we assess the risks involved and present the best solutions to meet your requirements. Microsoft 365 tools like Data Loss Protection (DLP), Windows Defender, and the implementation of information governance controls keep your business secure from all threats.

Enhanced Remote Working with Security and Governance

Introduction Remote working seems like the only option in the foreseeable future, but it doesn’t come without threats. From the security threats that come with users using unauthorized devices to access data to the possibility of a data breach – a lot of care must be taken to avoid these issues that come with remote working. When you work with us, however, things get much easier.

Why Choose Us? Our experts analyse the capabilities and requirements of your IT infrastructure, and identify pre-existing and eminent threats. Once they have been removed, we build a secure environment of seamless collaborations and communication for when you are working remotely with the use of Microsoft Azure and Office 365.
